‘Sheridan’s Nifty Fifty’ Made A Dramatic Exit From Race
As you may know, we took part in a charity panto horse race last weekend at ‘The
Stores Charlotte Street Festival’. We had been training all week and we
thought we had a good chance for bagging the prize money for the Irish Hospice Foundation.
Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst. Our Horse (David & Kieran) took
off like lightning with its handler, Laura leading them around the course. Laura
lost a shoe along the way and fell! if you closely in the photos below, you will see her running without her shoe! The horse thought laura was leading it but
unexpectedly tripped over the footpath.
Luckily our horse was still in two pieces, laughing their horsey hearts out on Wexford Quay. We checked them for injuries and the guys from the stores were
extremely helpful as we were escorted back to the weigh room.
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